

Guidemichael - this stands for my agency, derived from my first name and one of the activities I like most: guiding visitors through the city of Cologne. With its 2.000 year history it offers many places of interest and plenty of stories.


The tours I offer can be found on this website. I understand you want to have some fun while we are touring through the old town, hence my intention is to give all the necessary information in an entertaining manner.


The quality of my tours is assured by a certification according to the European Standard EN 15 556, which comprises 600 hours of training. To meet the requirements of a.m. standard you have to be able to do the tours in German and one foreign language. In my case this is English. I have invested two and a half years to achieve it some years ago.


I´m not a "native" Cologne guy, but live in this area more than 25 years. Therefore I´m familiar with the local language (it´s more than just a dialect) and the mentality of this region. Since seven years I´m active as a tourist guide in Cologne.


I hope you want to top your stay in Cologne with a tour by Guidemichael and trust to see you one fine day in Cologne!


                                                                                                  All the best